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Communication/langue anglaise

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Communication/langue anglaise
Message de nesrineday posté le 08-01-2018 à 10:33:07 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde,
j'ai hésité avant d'aborder ce sujet mais je veux savoir: est-ce que parmi vous (les apprenants de l'anglais) avaient certains ont des problèmes , je précise (un complexe, timidité ) de parler avec une autre personne en anglais comme ça devant quelqu’un, vous avez eu ce problème et quelle est la solution d’après vous?
Merci d'avance.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-01-2018 10:45

Réponse : Communication/langue anglaise de sherry48, postée le 08-01-2018 à 13:45:10 (S | E)
This is a common problem, although not universal. It happens to me! It is especially problematic for people who are perfectionists, who hesitate to take risks, or lack confidence. In my opinion, the solution is to gain confidence by diving in and making the effort to speak. Start with someplace where it feels 'safe.' I have seen this work in the classroom, although these adult students are immersed in the American culture.
Also, when I went to France a number of years ago, I wondered how I would ever have the nerve to speak! So I forced myself and went into a 'tabac' to ask for stamps. Once the ice was broken, I was OK; I even got a recipe from a woman in a book store(who did not speak English), but who happened to be from the Périgord, where we had just come from. And especially, it helps if you can laugh at your mistakes, and not take yourself too seriously!
Bon courage!

Réponse : Communication/langue anglaise de nesrineday, postée le 08-01-2018 à 14:15:48 (S | E)
Thank you a lot Sherry48, it really comforts me; I will follow your advice

Réponse : Communication/langue anglaise de laraiponse, postée le 28-01-2018 à 16:51:15 (S | E)
I at first had a little problem and started to progress here.


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