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Aide/ images choquantes

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/ images choquantes
Message de wormard posté le 05-11-2017 à 14:54:56 (S | E | F)
J'ai un sujet d'expression écrite pour la semaine prochaine. Je dois écrire un texte argumentatif sur : comment les images choquantes sont-elles utilisées?
J’espère ne pas avoir fait trop de fautes; merci de me dire lesquelles s'il y en a.
Merci beaucoup!

Nowadays, pictures are always present in our life on TV, Internet, etc... Some people use them to manipulate us or our mind. Thus, one may wonder how shocking images are they used?
First, we will see the propaganda and then we will see images which can make us take conscience of problems in the world.
First, some people use shock image to manipulate people, It's propaganda. For exemple two famous TV channel (Al Jazirah an Arabic TV channel and CNN an american TV channel) use the same picture but they each took a different part to express different things. In the original photo, we can see three soldiers one one the floor on his knees and two other american soldiers. One of american soldiers give her water and the other soldier target him with his rifle. TV channels used part of this photo each to showed us that they want. CNN focus on the gourd to show the american charity and Al Jazirah focus on the rifle to show the brutality of american soldiers. To conclude, we saw that images can be use to change our mind but know we will see that these shocking images can be use to good action.
Indeed, images can change our mind but they can us open our eyes. For exemple the photo of Aylan Kurdi a Syrian little boy who was found dead on a Turkish shore. This image made the “buzz” on internet and has been shared many times which allowed increase the important donations for the UNICEF and allowed to change viewpoint of people over the immigration subject.
In Conclusion, images can be use to manipulate us but they also can be use to make evolve our mentalities. I think images are dangerous because it's more easy to manipulate us with an image than with a word.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-11-2017 17:20

Réponse : Aide/ images choquantes de laure95, postée le 05-11-2017 à 16:36:08 (S | E)
- Thus, one may wonder how shocking images are they used?: faire une question indirecte car tu utilises Wonder.

- First, some people use shock image (pluriel)to manipulate people, It's (called)propaganda.
- exemple: orthographe.
- two famous TV channel (pluriel)(Al Jazirah an Arabic TV channel and CNN an american (majuscule)TV channel) use the same picture (pluriel) but they each (pas à la bonne place) took a different part
- one one the floor on his knees: ?
- american: majuscule.
- One of (article) american (majuscule) soldiers give (faute de conjugaison, mettre au présent be+ing) her (pas le bon possessif) water (mal dit)and the other soldier target (faute de conjugaison)him with his rifle.
- TV channels used (present perfect) (il manque un mot)part of this photo each (pas à la bonne place) to showed (to + infinitif) us that (pas le bon mot)they want.
- CNN focus (faute de conjugaison) on the gourd to show the american (majuscule)charity and Al Jazirah focus (faute de conjugaison)on the rifle to show the brutality of american (majuscule)soldiers.
- To conclude, we saw that images can be use (can + be + participe passé) to change our mind but know we will see that these shocking images can be use (même remarque)to good action (pluriel).

- they can us (enlever us)open our eyes.
- exemple: orthographe.
- This image made (present perfect) the “buzz” on internet and has been shared many times which allowed (present perfect)(il manque une préposition)increase the important donations for the (pas de the)UNICEF and allowed to change (article)viewpoint of people over the immigration subject (pas besoin de subject).

- In Conclusion, images can be use (voir plus haut)to manipulate us but they also (pas à la bonne place) can be use (faute)to make evolve (pas à la bonne place) our mentalities.
- it's more easy: revoir formation du comparatif de supériorité des adjectifs courts)


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